WALTER | Workable Algorithms for Location-aware Transmission, Encryption Response

BigintExtensions Class

Provides extension methods for the BigInteger type, facilitating the encoding and decoding of large numeric values back into strings. These methods are particularly useful for obfuscating text such as passwords or confidential information in a numeric format, enhancing data security and privacy by preventing the data from being easily accessible through string constant exporting or memory dumping techniques.

Namespace:  System.Numerics
Assembly:  Walter.Cypher (in Walter.Cypher.dll)


public static class BigintExtensions


The BigintExtensions class extends the functionality of BigInteger to include methods for converting back and forth between text and its numeric encoded representation. While these methods offer an additional layer of obfuscation for text data and can help in certain security contexts, they are not intended to replace more comprehensive encryption solutions for protecting sensitive information.

Inheritance Hierarchy
