WALTER | Workable Algorithms for Location-aware Transmission, Encryption Response

DeterministicEncryption Class

Provides deterministic encryption services. In deterministic encryption, identical plain text values are always encrypted into identical cipher text.

Namespace:  Walter.Cypher
Assembly:  Walter.Cypher (in Walter.Cypher.dll)


public class DeterministicEncryption : LicenseBase


Deterministic encryption is particularly useful in scenarios such as:

  • Store Sensitive Data on Third-party Servers: Critical for GDPR compliance when using cloud services without control over the hardware or database encryption mechanisms.
  • Enable Grouping and Searching: Allows the encrypted data to be searchable and groupable, essential for database operations while maintaining data security and privacy.

Benefits and Considerations:

  • Data Privacy and Security: Ensures secure storage of sensitive data such as personal information or corporate data.
  • Searchability and Operational Efficiency: Facilitates efficient database operations like indexing, searching, and grouping on encrypted data.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Meets GDPR and other data protection regulations for data processed or stored in external or cloud systems.

When to Use:

  • GDPR Compliance in Cloud-Based Storage: Ideal for GDPR-compliant data storage in cloud-based databases.
  • Maintaining Operational Capabilities: Useful when the ability to search or group data in the database is needed for operational efficiency.

Important Considerations:

  • Not a One-Size-Fits-All Solution: Should be used judiciously as it's not always the preferred encryption method but is effective in specific scenarios.
  • Secure Key Management: The effectiveness of deterministic encryption relies heavily on secure key management practices.

Deterministic encryption strikes a balance between operational functionality and data security, making it a valuable option for specific scenarios in cloud-based applications and services, especially for GDPR compliance.


Deterministic Encryption for GDPR Compliance in Cloud Environments
// Sample to demonstrate GDPR-compliant encryption of sensitive data using deterministic encryption
   // for storage in a third-party hosted SQL server.

   // Define the company name to be encrypted.
   string companyName = "Undefined Corp";

   // Create an instance of the symmetric encryption service with a secure password and salt.
   // Note: In a production environment, securely manage the password and salt, avoiding hardcoded values.
   var encryptionService = new Walter.Cypher.DeterministicEncryption(
       password: "My $ectet Pa$w0rd",
       salt: "123456789+*ç%&/"

   // Encrypt the company name into a byte array.
   byte[] encryptedBytes = encryptionService.Encrypt(companyName.ToBytes());

   // Prepare the T-SQL command for data insertion, using the encrypted company name.
   var tsql = @$"
   declare @UndefinedCorp VARBINARY(64) = {encryptedBytes.ToSqlBinaryString()};
   declare @checksum int = CHECKSUM(@UndefinedCorp);

   // Check for the existence of the company and insert if not present.
   if not exists(select * from [dbo].[Companies] where [CompanyName] = @UndefinedCorp and [cs_CompanyName] = @checksum)
       INSERT [dbo].[Companies] ([CompanyName],[cs_CompanyName],[TrueUpDays],[AutoInvoice],[ApplicableLicenseExempt])
       Values(@UndefinedCorp, @checksum, -1, 0, 1);

   // Execute the T-SQL command to store the encrypted data.
   using var con = new SqlConnection(config.GetConnectionString("Billing"));
   using var cmd = con.CreateCommand();
   cmd.CommandText = tsql;
   cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

Inheritance Hierarchy
