WALTER | Workable Algorithms for Location-aware Transmission, Encryption Response

WalterCypherDependencyInjectionHelper..::..AddCypherDefaults<(Of <(<'T>)>)> Method

Configures the CypherDefaults in the application's service collection, allowing for custom encryption settings to be applied across the application.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Assembly:  Walter.Cypher (in Walter.Cypher.dll)


public static T AddCypherDefaults<T>(
	this T services,
	Nullable<Action<CypherDefaults>> setup
where T : IServiceCollection

Type Parameters

The type of the service collection, typically IServiceCollection.


Type: T
The service collection to which the encryption defaults will be added.
Type: Nullable<(Of <(<'Action<(Of <(<'CypherDefaults>)>)>>)>)>
An action to configure the CypherDefaults instance used for encryption settings.

Return Value

The original IServiceCollection instance, for method chaining.


The examples shows how to configure custom encryption defaults using the AddCypherDefaults extension method.
Using a fixed password
 public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
     services.AddCypherDefaults(options =>
         options.DefaultPassword = "customPassword";
         options.HashMethod = HashMethod.SHA512;
Using the domain name allowing to share encrypted files between devices on the same domain
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddCypherDefaults(options =>
        options.DefaultPassword = Environment.UserDomainName;
        options.HashMethod = HashMethod.SHA512;