WALTER | Workable Algorithms for Location-aware Transmission, Encryption Response

DeterministicEncryption Constructor (String, String, HashMethod, Nullable<(Of <(<'ILogger>)>)>)

Initializes a new instance of the DeterministicEncryption class, configuring it with a specific key, initialization vector (IV), and hash method.

Namespace:  Walter.Cypher
Assembly:  Walter.Cypher (in Walter.Cypher.dll)


public DeterministicEncryption(
	string key,
	string iv,
	HashMethod hashMethod,
	Nullable<ILogger> logger


Type: String
The encryption key used for cryptographic operations. This should be a secure, non-reversible string that is kept confidential.
Type: String
The initialization vector (IV) used for the encryption process. The IV adds randomness to the encryption, enhancing security and may not be altered.
Type: HashMethod
The hash method used for encryption, with a default of SHA256. This specifies the algorithm used for generating the cryptographic hash of the input data.
Type: Nullable<(Of <(<'ILogger>)>)>
optional Logger used to capture exceptions


This constructor sets up the deterministic encryption mechanism with the given parameters. The key and IV are essential for the encryption process, providing the basis for the cryptographic operations. The hash method determines how the input data will be processed and transformed into a secure format.